

Shop our delicious cannabis edibles at WAM Dispensary. Explore now.

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Searching for a fuss-free alternative to smoking? Cannabis edibles from Wickenburg Alternative Medicine are exactly the addition of your MMJ routine needs you’ve been searching for.

What to Know About Cannabis Edibles

While MMJ edibles are user-friendly and easy to enjoy, they are distinctly different from other forms of cannabis. If you’re new to edibles – or simply considering trying a new-to-you edible product – here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Dosage may be different. Since your body will metabolize an edible differently than it would other cannabis forms, always check the product label for details on concentration and serving size.
  • Effects are typically wonderfully long-lasting. Hoping to find a form of cannabis that delivers mind/body effects that carry you through the day? Edibles are an excellent option.
  • Choose a treat or snack that appeals to you. Sure, your MMJ edible is a form of medicine for your health and wellness – but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy eating it! Select edibles that appeal to your sense of taste to boost your overall experience.