There are many different ways to use cannabis: smoking, vaping, edibles, and the list goes on. But some of us want to experience the benefits of cannabis without the high. That’s where cannabis topicals come in. These products are applied to the skin and give the body localized benefits without getting high. Topicals come in a variety of types and can be infused with THC, CBD, or a combination of both. Topicals can also contain other active ingredients designed to improve hydration or help combat specific concerns.

Wickenburg Alternative Medicine offers a wide range of cannabis topicals infused with THC, CBD, or a combination of both. These topicals can also contain other active ingredients that improve hydration or target specific concerns. In this article, we will explore the various types of cannabis topicals and their potential benefits.

What are Cannabis Topicals?

Cannabis topicals are cannabis-infused products that are designed to be applied to the skin. They can come in many forms, including gels, balms, lotions, creams, ointments, and more. Many users like cannabis topicals because they say it helps with inflammation and pain. Some studies have also suggested cannabis topicals may help improve the appearance of certain skin conditions.

How do Cannabis Topicals Work?

Cannabis topicals work with your body’s endocannabinoid system, a body-wide system of cannabis receptors that includes your skin. These receptors bind to the cannabis, producing a variety of effects depending on where the cannabis is absorbed in the body. When cannabis enters the bloodstream through ingesting or inhaling, this produces the high that marijuana is known for. Since cannabis topicals do not enter the bloodstream and are instead absorbed by the skin, they do not lead to a high. Instead, they bind to the cannabis receptors in the skin and can contribute to reduced inflammation and other effects.

It is important to note that the effects topicals have will vary by person. Some users report that THC topicals help their chronic pain, while others say they see reduced skin irritation from skin conditions like eczema. Some topical lovers also state that they help with their nerve pain and arthritis.

The amount of time it takes for a cannabis topical to start working will depend on the person and the type of topical used. Some topicals are designed for quick absorption, and their effects can be felt immediately. Others can take up to an hour after application to become effective. After application, topicals generally last between four and six hours, although, once again, this will depend on the user and the type of topical used.

Different Types of Cannabis Topicals

There are several different types of cannabis topicals to choose from. Which you use is mostly according to your preference, although there may be differences in the way they are absorbed. Some of the most common cannabis topicals include:

  • THC Lotions and Creams: Found in various forms, from moisturizers to body butter. They can be absorbed into the skin quickly because of their thin but moisturizing texture.
  • THC Ointments: Thicker and more oily than lotions and creams. It takes longer to be absorbed into the skin.
  • Cannabis Balms: These balms often contain waxes and fatty oils, making them even thicker than ointments. Because of this, they actually create a barrier for dry or cracked skin, which is why balms are so popular as lip products. Since they are so thick, they hold nutrients and cannabis against the skin for longer.

Choose Wickenburg Alternative Medicine for Premium Cannabis Topicals

Are you ready to try cannabis topicals but are not sure which is right for you? Our staff at Wickenburg Alternative Medicine is ready to assist you with finding the right topical for your needs. Whether you’re a first-time MMJ patient or a seasoned consumer, our goal is to cultivate a positive learning culture – here, questions and conversations are always welcome.

To get started, browse our menu or visit us in person to shop our selection of premium cannabis products. Contact us with any questions, and a member of our experienced staff will be ready to assist you.